1. Introduction to Core Java
1.1 Class and Object
1.2 Object Oriented concepts with respect to Java
OOPS Intro
1.3 Interfaces, Packages
1.4 Exception Handling
2. Applet As Java Applications
2.1 Applets specific methods & Related HTML references
2.2 Creating an Applet
2.3 Displaying it using Web Browser with appletwiewer.exe
2.4 Advantages and Disadvantages of Applet Vs Applications
3. Multithreading
3.1 Multithreading concepts
3.2 Thread Life cycle
3.3 Creating multithreaded application
3.4 Thread priorities 3.5 Thread synchronization
4. Abstract Windows Toolkit
4.1 Components and Graphics
4.2 Containers, Frames and Panels
4.3 Layout Managers Border layout, Flow layout Grid layout, Card layout
4.4 AWT all components 4.4.1Event delegation Model Event source and handler Event categories, Listeners, interfaces Anonymous classes
4.4.2 Swing Libraries Model view Controller design pattern Different layout, menus dialog boxes, text input
5. Java Input Output
5.1 Java IO package
5.2 Byte/Character Stream
5.3 Buffered reader / writer
5.4 File reader / writer
5.5 Print writer
5.6 File Sequential / Random
6. Networking with Java
6.1 Networking basics 6.1.1 Sockets, port 6.1.2 Proxy servers 6.1.3 Internet addressing 7 URL
6.2 – networking classes and interfaces
6.3 Implementing TCP/IP based Server and Client
6.4 Datagrams – Datagram packet, Datagram server and client
6.5 URL connections
7.1 Java database connectivity, Types of JDBC drivers
7.2 Writing first JDBC applications
7.3 Types of statement objects (Statement, PreparedStatement and CallableStatement)
7.4 Types of resultset, ResultSetMetadata
7.5 Inserting and updating records
7.6 JDBC and AWT
7.7 Connection pooling
8. RMI
8.1 Introduction & Architecture of RMI
8.2 Java rmi classes and interfaces
8.3 Writing simple RMI application
8.4 Parameter passing in remote methods (marshalling and unmarshalling)
8.5 Introduction to CORBA
9. Java Beans
9.1 Java Beans introduction, design pattern
9.2 Writing simple bean
9.3 Beans persistence and introspection
9.4 EJB 9.4.1 Architecture 9.4.2 Container classes, Interfaces 9.4.3 EJB types- Session, Entity, Message Driven
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